連絡先などについて/About contact



 Twitterのアカウントはこちら: https://twitter.com/EmeriaMincers




2022/12/23 追記:


2022/12/24 追記:


(For English users)

 If you want to meet me, I’d like you to fill the Forms below. It’s a prototype, so I’ll be glad if you report some improvement ideas:


 And here is my Twitter account: https://twitter.com/EmeriaMincers

 I’m in these dating site: J-MAIL(J-メール), MERU-PARA(メルパラ), IKUYO-KURUYO(イクヨクルヨ), PCMAX, Happy Mail(ハッピーメール), Waku-Waku Mail(ワクワクメール) and Aso-bo. My name is “あーみん” in all these site. If you’re interested, then please search me.

 I also appreciate your linking this website in yours. If you want to use it, you have to get my permission with your comment here. I’ll request the stop of publishing if you get no permission. Also the image file for the link is coming soon, so please be waited.

Added on Dec. 23rd 2022:

As I mentioned above, I turn down all the comment as spam except the comments for revision request of the Google Forms (the link above) and the notification comments about sending answers of the forms or in the Twitter DMs, but there are lots of comment especially about the SEO and the web advertisings, so I’m now actually thinking about closing the comment form of this site. I announce that I’ll close ALL THE COMMENT FORMS IN THIS SITE after I get EVEN ONLY ONE spam comment about SEO or web advertising or so on, so I’d like you all not to send such a comment.

Added on Dec. 24th 2022:

To be sad I got one sales spam so I decided to close the comment. Uh-oh.

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