Hello everyone, it’s Ermine. Some of you reading the past article of my losing virginity feels like “hey, what trick did you use?” So, in this time, I’ll show you all the way of how I made it. I can introduce most of the part of the technique, but unable for the others, because it depends on you. I wrote the latter in a pay-per-read section, so you should check it when you REALLY, SERIOUSLY want to lose yours, and want to see the example. To plus, I made it so that you can’t copy and paste. Pity, if you rip off my technique, then someone bans you lol.
In this article it is mainly available in Japan. The way is easy, REGISTER TO THE DATING SITE I WROTE IN THE “CONTACT” ARTICLE. Only that. Those site do some campaigns for the beginners, so some of you can succeed.
After registration, fill your profile precisely. I admit that the richer, the more attractive, but excessive fudge on the count will be revealed in the bad way someday. The same is said to the own of your cars. But there is one exception: you don’t need to fill any of the “裏プロフ (secret profile).” The girls will be put off by your sexual habits, absolutely. The detail of free writing depends on you. If you want to fuck a hole for free, you should care about it and write it, then things will change. Some of you may wonder what to write on the free write. I made an example for you in the pay-per-read area, so please check it.
Then write some articles of your seeking the relationship in BBS. Each site has a BBS system, and you can see many kinds of the article of many kinds of categories. You can check if you have leeway, but most of yours is not, I think. SO WRITE IT DOWN. In most of the site, you can write it free once a day ,of course there is a difference about whether you can write it in each of the categories or not, I mean, one article for all categories. Modify your message to the category, and push your freshness forward. About it, it depends on you. If you want to see the example and are worried about your skill of writing, then you should also check the pay part.
The last phase is mailing, and you should use two tactics then. One is to reply to the women who read the BBS article, especially who made an action like adding you as “favorites” or sending a message or so on. The other is to find who attract you in the profile search, and then send a message. I strongly recommend the former, I mean, in that case the women already understand what is your favor and what you can do for them, so it is easy to talk with them.
いずれの場合も、基本的には1.挨拶とちょっとした世間話(ここでいうなら「いい出会いはありました?」とかそんなもんだ)→2. 1に対する相手への反応とお相手のプロフに絡めた話、この時に相手の男性を蹴落としていくのがいい(「他の男性方は節穴なんじゃないでしょうか(笑)」とか)→3. 2のプロフがらみへの反応、この時自分が共感しているというメッセージを伝えることが重要(場合により少しやり取りを重ねる)→4. LINEやメールなどの打診、「ここだと男性はポイントがかかってしまうので」という前置きが有効、この時絶対に相手から聞き出すようなことはするな→5. ダメだったらやり取りしていただいたことに対する感謝を、OKなら自分のIDまたはメアドを伝える。
In any case, basically, you should take steps like: 1. greeting & a small talk(in this case “are there any good match?” or so.), 2. the reaction to the woman’s answer for 1 (it may be good to blame other men for most of why she can’t find the good man.) and a talk related to her profiles, 3. the reaction for 2(it is important that you sympathize to her, so in the phase 2 you should choose what you also like or so.), 4.(in some case, after talking enough) the request to leave the site and talk in other way e.g. LINE, CACAO talk, e-mail, or so on (in this step you must never ask her IDs or addresses, if you do so she will be very scared), 5. if the answer for 4 is “no,” then telling her thanks for talking with you then leave, and if otherwise, then tell your ID or e-mail address, also say thank-you to her.
You should also remember : 1. you should respond quickly to her action, 2. ignore who sent you a message like “I saw your profile!” and only that(not seeing your BBS), 3. when you send a message, and then she tells her ID or address with ignoring the context, then she must be a decoy from other site. If you understand and care for those technique, of course there are some exception, but you have a lot of chance meeting the real holes.
So that was the point. To be honest, you can do well even only with them. I put an example of free writing in the profile and article for BBS. You have to pay 1,000 yen if you need it, so please be noticed.